Your Word is Law. Goal Setting.

GoalsWe all know the importance of setting goals in achieving success, many of us simply settle for one goal and ease of when we reach it. Those who enjoy continued success at the highest level however do more than this; they are constantly evaluating their targets and fine tuning them in order to ensure they stay on top.

Apple, constantly evolve their product line and goals to grow into the worlds biggest company. While Google similarly used their search engine dominance as platform for their whole economic ecosystem. You should be doing the exactly same – evaluating your goals and altering them if necessary to ensure personal and professional fulfillment.

So why is it so important to revaluate your goals? Firstly, it helps you keep motivated and focused. Motivation often subsides with success, meaning that those with finite targets have an automatic finishing line which, if not revised or updated, will represent the peak. Regularly updated hard but achievable goals will ensure you always carry the motivation to push on and will allow you to build on the success you have already achieved.

Another problem with static long-term goals as that of changing values. As we grow older our values alter, meaning our desires and motivations change over time, and our goals should reflect this. A long term ambition is a great thing to have, but it is important to regularly ensure that that ambition still drives and motivates us years or even decades on, or the resulting success may not be as sweet as desired.

Analysing and evaluating our goals should be an ever-present organic process rather than a task we complete every few months or years, but with the rigours of life this isn’t always practical. Whichever way you go about it, the idea is to make some time for yourself, ideally during a weekend, holiday or other time off work, where you are most likely to be left alone with your thoughts and will not be disturbed too often. Detaching your thoughts from work, finances and other concerns, focus instead on where you are in life, what you still want to achieve and, most importantly, what would make you happy for the foreseeable future.

Try and ignore specifics but focus instead on broader themes such as ‘spend more time with family’ or ‘write that novel’. Really let your mind wander and don’t rush it. Those who haven’t done this for some time may be surprised at the results!

Next, categorise the list into ‘career’ and ‘personal’ targets and then order these in terms of which you would like to achieve the most. Some may be in line with goals you already have, whilst others may be complete departures. Either way, take some time to research and narrow down this list so that eventually you are left with a small number of achievable goals that reflect your altered life values.

You can now set about achieving your new life goals, safe in the knowledge that your efforts are being correctly directed and not being wasted. Performing this ‘self-evaluation’ frequently will be a great aid to your future happiness and success throughout your life.

REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR COMMITMENT TO YOUR WORD. Your word is law and if you break your commitment to your own world it becomes self sabotaging and you won’t like yourself anymore. Stick to your word and you’ll like yourself and your self-esteem and life will grow and grow and grow.