As soon as your spending becomes sub-conscious or unconscious (you know what I’m taking about!) then money falls out your pockets and bank account very rapidly.
How many times have you spent too much on a night out or over spent on your phone bill and said to yourself, “oh, I shouldn’t have spent that much”. Only to do it again the next week or month.
Let’s clear up some differences between conscious and sub-conscious spending…
Conscious Spending
- You have a weekly/daily budget
- You have a good state of happiness and are not drawn to buy material things to make you happy
- You know what your phone bill limits are
- You buy food wisely
- You enjoy yourself on nights out but you are still aware of your budget when you’ve had a couple
- You have got a savings account (or two)
- You are always thinking about money (at least at the back of your mind) in a positive way
Sub-conscious spending
- You have no budget
- You never check your bank account
- You buy brand named goods for no real reason
- You eat out too much
- You spend far too much when drunk
- You never think about saving and don’t have a savings account open
- You can’t stop thinking about the next thing you want to buy
Sub-conscious spenders are no happier, in fact, over their life time they are likely to always be in debt and never do the things they want to do.
Conscious spenders spend and save their money wisely. They know that saving is more important than spending and they are usually happy, successful people.
Which do you want to be? How can you defeat student debt?