The price of being a young driver is famously high, even when buying a small car with a small engine, the cost of insurance can be incredibly high. Factor in a limited credit history and the interest rates on your finance package could be difficult to keep up with.
But, from specifically designed financial products to good old-fashioned hard work, there are ways to buy your own car and with it your independence. We’ve picked out some of the best below.
Part-time Student jobs
Depending on your model and your mileage, fuel prices can be pretty expensive, while as a youngster you may well be having to get by on a small salary.
Supplementing your income with a part-time job will not only allow you to afford petrol more comfortably, car finance lenders will consider you a more reliable candidate for a loan, as you will have a bigger salary.
If you are a student, there are plenty of weekend or evening jobs available out there that won’t interfere with your studies.
If you have a steady job and know you will be able to pay back small monthly installments, then opting for a personal loan to finance your car may be a good way of managing the costs.
Although this is not for everyone, it is a good way to make sure you don’t blow all your savings at once. It also means you don’t have to spend years saving.
General loans may not offer the most competitive interest rates however. The best car finance rates are available through car finance packages. Going to a broker such as Car Loan 4U will give you access to a range of lenders, some of whom may have a perfect car loan deal for younger drivers.