Good on your C.V and a Bonus in Life
Have you ever thought how to get a free night out, learn a skill and meet some great people, all with the opportunity to do some good at the same time?
Potentially you do that all the time I here you say, learnt how to toss ten beer mats to the back of your hand…that’s a skill right. And you helped by piling them all up so the bar tender had an easier night clearing up. Ticked all the boxes above but not quite the things we’re aiming at to make us better, more rounded people.
This time, have a think about the last time you wanted to go to a large gig but the tickets were so pricey, or in fact already sold out. Next, why not think about the summer festival you’ve always wanted to go to but again too pricey and sold out before the hour was up.
If you think smart there are times when you can bypass the mainstream idea of paying for things and actually offer up time, skill and patience.
Skills for Life
For this instance I’m talking first aid and more specifically the Red Cross. The organisation offers many companies training in first aid; as all companies need to have someone qualified in first aid at work. If you’ve already got a good little part time job that is willing to invest in its people you could recommend yourself. Perhaps prior to your studies your job paid for you to do a course with the Red Cross, if this is you then brilliant and very lucky, as its money invested well.
If you are a conscientious person you may choose to pay for a course yourself, this doesn’t cost as much as you might think though wouldn’t be a four day course like the first aid at work mentioned above. Instead a course in adult first or baby and child first aid should set you back only £45 for a four course, a good investment in yourself.
These course run locally all over the country and are well worth it to give you that little bit of knowledge and practice to make a real difference one day.
Volunteer and Get Free Training
Lastly and this is the one you’ve been waiting for; it is possible to volunteer for the Red Cross and in doing so the organisation will train you, give you the support you need and only require that you offer up some time. It might be that they need someone to deliver a first aid training course; this in itself will give you even more skills in delivering to groups of people important information, definitely something worthwhile putting on your C.V.
The Red Cross also need their volunteers to work at public events, so this might be a concert, sporting event or festival. This is where your time throughout the year really pays off as it means free access to those sell out events you always wanted to go to…though really this should not be the only focus. Your new skills could one day be used in road accident to help people or even to help those close to you.
The Red Cross are an important part of our services; volunteers turn up when needed at all hours of the day to help people. In some counties they have vans that contain spare clothes, toys and food to help and offer comfort to people after their homes have been affected by fire. These services allow people a little comfort when most needed.
The Red Cross is a worthwhile organisation to volunteer from which you gain from in many ways and you shouldn’t underestimate the power it can have on your C.V.
Moving to a larger city for your Uni course might just be the ideal time to start volunteering for the Red Cross as they operate in places where they are needed, a small town or rural area may just not have the requirements for them. So, time to get on the case!